Monday, September 8, 2014

Get Seen On Pinterest

Pinterest is constantly beefing up its program making it an amazing tool for businesses. Today I was reading an article (9 ways to drive traffic with Pinterest search by Ana Majkowska) I was blown away with some of the information she gave a lot of which I hadn’t incorporated into my Pinterest site.

I have written a lot of articles about Pinterest and been using it since its inception, but if you know anything about the Internet at all, you realize the more you learn the more there is to know!

There is no reason to reinvent the wheel so below I am giving you some link to check it out yourself…

Have you done these things to get traffic to your Pinterest account?

I bet the majority of you don’t know what a “rich pin” is ? I encourage you to read “9 ways to drive traffic with Pinterest search” it is an amazing article.

For a free consultation on what you can do to improve you online business email me Put re: inquiry in the subject line.

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